Elevate Visibility with Exclusive Boost Packages for Your School

Elevate Visibility with Exclusive Boost Packages for Your School
Photo by Alexander Shatov / Unsplash

Ready to take your school's visibility to the next level? The Rookies offers a trio of powerful Boost packages designed exclusively for schools with our Membership packages. These Boosts are engineered to magnify your institution's messaging, making sure your offerings shine brightly in the crowded creative education landscape.

Boost #1 - Featured School

If you're aiming for prime real estate on The Rookies' main school page, our Featured School Boost is the ideal choice. Tailored for schools with a Membership package, this boost guarantees:

  • Prominent display on the main school page
  • Enhanced visibility in relevant search results
  • 30-day visibility period

Boost #2 - Editorial Content

This package is specifically designed to elevate your school's presence with our Editorial Content Boost. Your school will have a featured article on our blog that will reach a wide and engaged audience.

  • 30 days duration
  • Shared on homepage for maximum visibility.
  • Promoted on Discord server, Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn.
  • Include links for direct traffic.

Boost #3 - Sponsored Newsletter

Engage directly with our vibrant audience through the Sponsored Newsletter Boost. This exclusive opportunity allows you to:

  • Showcase your school's achievements, events, or highlights
  • Share captivating success stories or compelling content
  • Drive direct traffic to your website using clickable links

Boost #4 - Banner Placements

For comprehensive branding, our Banner Placements Boost ensures a robust platform to showcase your school's identity across The Rookies' community platform. This package includes:

  • A captivating Homepage Hero Banner Ad
  • Striking Header Banner Ad
  • Attention-grabbing Footer Banner Ad
  • 30-day visibility period

These Boosts are exclusively available to schools with our Membership packages. They're meticulously designed to supercharge your school's messaging for 30-day durations, providing an exceptional opportunity to make your mark and significantly amplify your presence.

Get in Touch!

Connect with our team to learn more about these exclusive Boost packages and how they can elevate your school's visibility.

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