Rookie Awards 2021 is back!

Yes, it's back again! It feels like we only just wrapped the 2020 Awards, but here we are putting the finishing touches on another exciting contest that will all be revealed shortly.

Rookie Awards 2021 is back!

Yes, it's back again! It feels like we only just wrapped the 2020 Awards, but here we are putting the finishing touches on another exciting contest that will all be revealed shortly. In the meantime, please make sure to lock in the following dates and get your students familiar with the platform. If they haven't done so already, ask them to create accounts and play around with uploading some of their work.

Want to join a webinar?
We are planning to run a number of live webinars to help run students through the contest and answer questions they may have. Please contact us if you'd like to participate.

March 7 - June 1 : Submissions
Eligible entrants are asked to create an entry page and upload their best work for the judges to review.

June 30 : Finalists Announced
Finalists are the top entries in each category as selected by the judging panel. Categories can have anywhere between 10-50 finalists depending on their size and complexity.

July 1 - 8 : Finalist Judging
At this point our judging panel is asked to review all the finalists for each category. Once reviewed, the judges nominate their Top 5 entrants. This data is used to help us determine the overall winners.

July 16: Winners Announced
Category winners are announced and publicly shared. At this point sponsors are required to help send out prizes and arrange Internship details. Our team will be on hand to make sure you are fully aware of the next steps and what is needed.

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