Rookie Awards - New Eligibility Rules

Rookie Awards - New Eligibility Rules
Photo by Beatriz Pérez Moya / Unsplash

Rookie Awards - New Eligibility Rules

As the Rookie Awards continues to grow, it is our priority to make sure the contest remains fair to all students and schools that participate. To help clear up any confusion, we have updated the rules to better define who is eligible.

The Rookie Awards is open to young creatives who meet the following eligibility criteria:

Minimum Age:

Entrants must be at least 18 years of age or older.

Maximum Industry Experience:

Entrants must have no more than one year of professional industry experience working in the fields of 2D Animation, 3D Animation, Concept Art, Game Development, Visual Effects, Architectural Visualisation, Motion Graphics, Immersive Media, Product Design or Virtual Fashion.

Definition of Professional Industry Experience: Professional industry experience is defined as experience gained by working in a professional environment, such as a studio or agency, as a paid employee or independent contractor, or experience gained by working on projects for clients or customers.

Related Industry Experience: Entrants with a maximum of 3 years of professional experience in industries that are similar or related to the contest categories may be considered for eligibility at the discretion of the Rookie Awards team. Related industries are those that involve skills or techniques that are transferable or applicable to the fields of 2D Animation, 3D Animation, Concept Art, Game Development, Visual Effects, Architectural Visualization, Motion Graphics, Immersive Media, Product Design, or Virtual Fashion.

Example: A professional Graphic Designer with 3 years of experience, but has no 3D Animation industry experience, may be considered for eligibility if our team determines that their skills and experience do not give them an unfair advantage over other entrants.

Exclusion of Internships and Work Experience:

Internships and work experience do not count towards the total experience.

Verification of Experience:

All finalists must be prepared to verify their experience to confirm eligibility to participate in the competition. Verification may include providing evidence of prior employment, such as a signed letter from an employer or a copy of a contract.

Misrepresentation of Experience:

Entrants who are found to have misrepresented their experience or provided false information during the verification process will be disqualified from the competition.

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